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Twotone is at Eurobike. Here's what we are doing. Where do we meet?

Amsterdam/Friedrichshafen - Eurobike is just around the corner and I know I write it each time but this will be our best yet! We’re traveling with three people from the team to the Bodensee. We made a sweet overview for you to check out below.

First of all, Wahoo Fitness is launching a big new product on Wednesday morning 10AM at their booth B3-504. It's going to be spectacular as ever and shouldn't be missed. SPENGLE is bringing their new coloured wheels to the show as well as the first tangible versions of their 700c tri-blade wheel. Ampler is bringing their latest bikes for you to ride and talk to them about the bikes and SILCA's CEO Josh Poertner is on side to talk business.

We tried to make it as easy as possible for you to either talk to one of us or with one of our clients, or both. Simply click the link behind one of our names corresponding with the client(s) you'd like to meet and you can easily pick a time and location.

Have fun at the show and hopefully see you there!

Jon Woodroof


Jon (click here to set up an appointment with Jon)

💪 Hit me up re: grabbing a beer or coffee at the show!

🚲 I’m keen to talk new business, partnerships & trends!

Guy (click here to set up an appointment with Guy)

👌Represents SPENGLE, Ampler Bikes, Wahoo Fitness & 4iiii and loves to talk to you.

🚴‍♂Keen on talking to any of his clients? Just hit 'em up or say hi at the show!

Twotone Clients at EUROBIKE 2019

🛠SILCA (no stand)

Josh Poertner, the CEO of Silca, is at the show and loves to talk to media about the brand's future.

🇫🇮Pelago (No. A2-505)

They're celebrating 10 years of Pelago and launch a bunch of cool new products, among which is one with Restrap.

🚵‍♀SPENGLE (no stand)

Spengle is bringing their crazy 'Collections by SPENGLE' wheels to the show. Also, the first tangible 700c wheels are there. Click here if you'd like to meet their marketing guy Martin & click here is you want to meet the CEO.

Ampler (no stand)

Ampler is growing like crazy and wants to talk to you. Tuuli, their head of communications is joining and would like to meet you. Click this link to make an appointment with Tuuli.

🚴‍♂Wahoo Fitness (No. B3-504)

Wahoo is launching a new product and it going to be big! But really big! We can't say what yet, but we promise you it's worth your time coming to the Wahoo booth B3-504 on Wednesday 10AM. More details here.

4iiii (B3-209)

They're showing off their latest and greatest at the show. Check the teaser here. Be sure to come by there booth. (note that all 4iiii info is under embargo until September 4th 2019)

Where is everyone? Find out below:

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Reasons to visit Pelago at Eurobike

See 2020 line up w/ fresh updates (and collect your copy of the book for the shop).

Learn about the updates on the dealer program, Learn about the updates on the dealer program, Pelago X Ass Savers collab, launch Pelago X Restrap, launch new stainless bike concept, meet the team & more!

To view the line up download our 2020 catalog HERE 

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