Rotterdam based Shift Cycling Culture is halfway there covering production costs of a documentary capturing the lives of cyclists in vulnerable areas around the globe.
Amsterdam, May 2021 - Shift Cycling Culture, a non-funded, not-for-profit foundation committed to bringing the cycling community together in positive climate action, is making a film conveying this key message:
"Climate change is not a future threat; it’s our generation’s reality. We love where we ride. Let’s act accordingly!"
The film captures the lives of avid pro and amateur cyclists from South-Australia, the Swiss Alps and The Netherlands and shares their love for the bike, but also expresses their concern about the current state of their homelands – and our shared uncertain future. These are cyclists just like you.
Shift Cycling Culture strongly believes the film can help them reach and engage more cyclists around the globe who believe things can be done differently with more care, and less impact on the places we love to ride. By supporting this film, sharing the fundraiser and talking about it, we all can help unite our wonderful cycling community to step up in this climate crisis. A crisis that is happening in all our backyards.
The goal is to share this project with as many cyclists as possible. Donations are vital because they will cover the costs associated with:
- post-production: editing, scoring, grading, sound mixing, graphics
- distributing this film to a global audience
- providing the opportunity to engage and educate more people
- creating climate awareness in the cycling community
- organising local screenings and extra action tools.
The documentary shows the urgency of the challenges we face as humanity when it comes to climate change. For a lot of us, climate change is still perceived as a future threat. Maybe short-term future, but future nonetheless. We do learn about threats and consequences that will change our life. Cracked Earth shows us that climate change is happening now, and in everyone’s backyard.Lian van Leeuwen, Shift Cycling Culture director
While there are ample initiatives in other outdoor sports addressing climate change and the consequences we face (Protect Our Winters, Surfers Against Sewage), the cycling community has not yet been addressed in the same way. That's the main reason we started Shift Cycling Culture, but also the reason we feel this documentary has an important role to play. By telling the stories of people who are part of the same cycling community but are in fact already confronted with the impact of climate change, this documentary could serve as a wake-up call for cyclists worldwide.Lian van Leeuwen, Shift Cycling Culture director
Director / Producer | @saltlake_lian / salt lake productions
DOP | Robijn Voshol / STANDBY3
Featuring, a.o.: Steve Varga, Sarah Hammond, Ryan Flinn, Adam Lana | Curve Cycling Crew // Anita and Caro Gehrig | Norco Twins Racing Team // Mitch Docker | EF Education First Pro Cycling // Hitaf Rashid | Managing Director Tour Down Under // Rik Fulcher | AusCycling, National team Manager Australian Cycling Team // Sadie McEvoy | Researcher Climate Adaptation Planning at Deltares // Jorrit Kiewik | Director Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN) and more.
Shift Cycling Culture is a non-funded, not-for-profit foundation, run by a small team of enthusiasts with an intrinsic motivation to bring the worldwide cycling community and industry together in positive climate action. Their aim is to raise awareness, spark conversations and support positive environmental action to help make this change happen. "We love where we ride. Let’s act accordingly!"
Contact details
- ☆ Jon Woodroof
Assistant: +31 85 064 0913 - [email protected]
- +31 63 81 46 117