Bicycle Landscape, an ode to the Dutch landscape by Yorit Kluitman

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For Bicycle Landscape, Yorit Kluitman cycled through all 388 Dutch municipalities and photographed the empty landscape, exclusive of people and buildings: a cross section of the organized Netherlands. He is driven bya fascination for the organized, graphical structure of The open space.  

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What started with cycling turned into astonishment, then came the pictures, questions and observations that were followed by a study in collaboration with Vereniging Deltametropool. Equipped with a camera, he researched the rhythm, the composition, the lines, the form and the order of the Dutch landscape. The result is Bicycle Landscape. A book that deconstructs the Dutch landscape, in which a height difference of 20 cm is already significant, into separate elements. Sheep. Dike. Road. Tree. Ditch.

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With contributions by various specialists ranging from landscape architect Adriaan Geuze to former museum director Wim Pijbes, Bicycle Landscape pays tribute to the Dutch man-made landscape and inspires us to look at our country from a different perspective, albeit a super-Dutch one: the saddle of a bicycle.

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The Bicycle Landscape book is available online (the special personalised edition) and in selected bookstores right now.

About Yorit Kluitman

Yorit Kluitman (1980) is a freelance graphic designer running a design studio in Eindhoven. He studied editorial design at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. Since 2009 he works for clients ranging from museums, publishers, software developers to sports teams and legal firms. Kluitman’s experience is built upon a great variety of projects, including infographic, logo and book design, exhibition design, installations, presentations and workshops. Kluitman believes in strong clear graphic design – easy to use and understand.

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Photo; Fieke van Berkom (c)

  • Photography: Yorit Kluitman
  • Authors: Adriaan Geuze, Gerrie Andela, Timo de Rijk, Wim Pijbes, Nancy Arkema, Steven Fleming and Yorit Kluitman
  • September 2017 | Ned/Eng | ISBN 978-94-6208-387-5
  • Publisher: nai010 publishers hardcover | 288 p | 1000 foto’s
  • Design: 75B | i.s.m. Vereniging Deltametropool
  • With the support from Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Vereniging Deltametropool

Bicycle Landscape Website

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Bicycle Landscape Instagram

Presskit with imagery

Link to the Dutch Press Release

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